Does it count if you get the
idea about your resolution on January 1st but never get it written
until January 13th? Well I
hope so. I can attribute the delay to
old age, an over whelmingly busy life, procrastination… feel free to choose all that apply!
Anyway, my New Year
Resolution is to move from get to give! Done!
Ummm, maybe I need to elaborate a little more.
I’m a Virgo, so get
is such a great word. In my more than 40
years in the work world, get helped me get organized, get
information, get ready, get on with it, get over it, along with a
few “get
out of here, and get lost”
In my work world, get
also worked for get recognition, get credit, and of course, get
was part of that time too,
especially in terms of mentoring and supporting amazing colleagues. However, I think the more strident get was the operational word in my working
Now, give seems like the word
I want to live in and live by. I have
the gift of time and choice – something I blog about ad naseum, but it just seems so strange and special to me after so
many years ( Yes more than 40 years…Do I say that a lot?) where the clock was
my slave and task master. So now I have
to remember to embrace the give – of my time, talents (although
some may be diminishing – hopefully not too rapidly, and resources – yes
including some $$$. It’s not that I’m
rolling in any of the three except for maybe time, and even that seems to be
limited, After all, it took me 13 days to get this posted. I have so many people to thank, so many
opportunities to be grateful for, so many gifts I’ve received, it just seems
like sharing should be my “modus operendi” from this day forward. Check back with me next year, and we’ll see
how I’m doing!
I like it! but (wink) get real--you've always been a giver!